Co-Pastor Kathy E. Pointer

Elder Kathy E. Pointer is a member of the Greater Fellowship Full Gospel Baptist Church where her husband, Carey E. Pointer, Jr., serves as Pastor. At Greater Fellowship, Elder Pointer serves in various capacities with primary responsibility for the administrative and day-to-day business operations. In addition, Elder Pointer serves as Executive Director for Youth Now!, a not-for-profit subsidiary of Greater Fellowship whose motto is “Strengthening Academics, Building Character, and Developing Leaders” and is Program Director for the Kingdom Care Senior Village, the Kingdom Kitchen, Kingdom Café’ and the Kingdom Closet – all of which were birthed out of a calling to support the needs of the community within which the church resides. Elder Pointer is also President of the United Metropolitan Alliance of Ministers’ Wives and Ministers Widows’ and serves as the Director of Christian Education for the DC Association of Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows.
Elder Pointer accepted her call to the ministry in 1998, was subsequently given the opportunity to preach her initial sermon on February 14, 1999, was ordained to the preaching ministry in February 2000 and was appointed Co-Pastor of the Greater Fellowship Full Gospel Baptist Church on February 8, 2004.   Elder Pointer received an honorary Doctorate degree from Aspen Christian College and Seminary in October 2006 for her contributions to the community and kingdom building.
Above all, Elder Pointer loves God and the people of God and desires to fulfill the call that has been placed upon her life.
1st Timothy 1:12 – “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, in that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.